Couples Therapy

If you and your partner find yourselves in a troubled relationship, longing for a lost sense of shared intimacy, you may rediscover your relationship as a source of healing through couples therapy.

In intimate relationships, fear of deep feelings, or the inability to correctly identify feelings and the messages they send can lead to a kind of “loss of voice” where vitally important aspects life are not shared. When this happens, couples can enter into painful, counter-productive, and destructive ways of relating.

In couples therapy sessions we focus on discovering deep underlying emotions that remain unspoken or that masquerade as other emotions. For example fear may masquerade as anger, or shame may masquerade as indifference. I monitor somatic experience, voice, rhythm, breath, movement and facial expressions to uncover hidden feelings which, when given voice, can transform fights into intimate conversations.

In collaboration with each partner I explore new ways of communicating. At times I speak for a partner what he or she cannot speak for himself or herself. I do this in a spirit of collaboration to enable accurate and heartfelt sharing. I explore new ways of listening and speaking from a stance of empathy that is non-judgmental, open, curious and compassionate. The goal is to enable each person to share feelings in a heartfelt way, so that their relationship can become a vessel for growth and transformation for each partner.

Read more: what What I do